Working with document templates

Supported formats


The templates themselves must be in on of the OpenDocument formats: .odt, .ods, .odp or .odg.

Templated-docs can generate documents in any format LibreOffice itself supports. For the moment they are:

Text documents: doc, docx, fodt, html, odt, ott, pdf, txt, xhtml, png

Spreadsheets: csv, fods, html, ods, ots, pdf, xhtml, xls, xlsx, png

Presentations: fodp, html, odg, odp, otp, pdf, potm, pot, pptx, pps, ppt, svg, swf, xhtml, png

Drawings: fodg, html, odg, pdf, svg, swf, xhtml, png

Where to put templates

Templated-docs uses a standard Django template discovery mechanism, so you should place your documents at a path where other templates reside. Usually it’s either a templates directory at the project level, or templates folders in each applications.

What subset of templating language is supported

Django templating language is fully supported, including filters and tags. Keep in mind, though, that in order to use custom template tags you should load them first using a standard {% load %} tag.


Generating lines in loops is supported via the standard {% for %} tag. Here’s the picture that illustrates the concept:
